Safely Injecting Insulin A Diabetic Guide

Safely Injecting Insulin A Diabetic Guide

According to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans living with diabetes or prediabetes well exceeds 100 million. Diabetes results when a patient’s blood sugar level surpasses healthy levels. Diabetes can take the form of type I or type II, however, oftentimes both types require the use of insulin to help manage and keep blood sugar levels under control.

Doctors will prescribe insulin under a strict supplementation schedule. Treatment plans for insulin injections can also be prescribed in several forms, taken once daily or several times a day depending on the patient’s need. For example, type 1 diabetes patients often require more frequent injections in order to prevent nerve damage, kidney failure, and lower the risk of a stroke. On the other hand, type 2 diabetic patients, may be prescribed insulin in injectable form in addition to oral medication and lifestyle changes to help manage their condition. It’s important for any patients using injections to use syringes safely, and teach loved ones to administer insulin injections safely in case of an emergency.

Insulin injections don’t just come in syringe form. In fact, insulin can be administered safely to diabetic patients in the following form:

1. Injection insulin pump patch

Insulin patches are a recent innovation in the science of insulin delivery. However, doctors may prescribe them for patients fearful of needles or as a painlessly way to absorb insulin transdermally through the skin and into the bloodstream. There are insulin patches designed to gradually release glucose throughout the day (basal insulin patches) and those that counteract blood sugar spikes following meals (bolus insulin patches).

2. Insulin pumps

Insulin pumps stay attached to diabetic patients as an insulin-delivery system that releases glucose at preset intervals and dosages via a small monitor.

3. Syringe insulin magnifiers

This method is the most common insulin delivery system via needle and syringe. However, the added syringe scale magnifier is beneficial for patients with vision difficulties. Many insulin magnifiers are also outfitted with a needle guide for added dexterity for patients who need help with syringe stabilization prior to injection.

4. Insulin Pen

These pre-filled glucose cartridges deliver insulin into the bloodstream via a ‘pen’ syringe. Simple press the pen against a blood vessel and depress in order to trigger release of insulin. Insulin pens are less invasive than syringes and offer fast, safe, convenient glucose injections.